Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
What is WUE, and how does it work?
WUE (pronounced “woo-wee”) is the Western Undergraduate Exchange, and it is coordinated by WICHE. WUE is a regional tuition-reciprocity agreement that enables students from WICHE states to enroll in some 145 participating two- and four-year public institutions at 150 percent of the enrolling institution’s resident tuition. WUE is the largest program of its kind in the nation, and has been in operation since 1987! WUE is not a short term exchange—it is meant to be used for a full degree.
How can I apply for reduced tuition through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)?
If you are a resident of one of WICHE’s 15 member states or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, you are eligible for consideration for reduced tuition rate offered at more than 150 participating WUE institutions. To be considered for the WUE rate (150% of resident tuition), apply directly to the WUE institution(s) of your choice.
Read the institution’s WUE profile for WUE eligibility requirements and if you still have questions, contact the institution’s WUE administrator as indicated in the profile (see link to profiles at the end of this section). Although some institutions automatically consider applicants from a WICHE state for the WUE rate, many of them require that you request the special WUE rate at the time of application for admission, or that you apply for the WUE rate through their scholarship or financial aid office.
Please note that WICHE does not set qualification criteria for WUE applicants, nor do we process applications or participate in the student selection process. Equally important, the WUE reduced tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Most institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so apply early!
What is WUE, and how does it work?
WUE (pronounced “woo-wee”) is the Western Undergraduate Exchange, and it is coordinated by WICHE. WUE is a regional tuition-reciprocity agreement that enables students from WICHE states to enroll in some 145 participating two- and four-year public institutions at 150 percent of the enrolling institution’s resident tuition. WUE is the largest program of its kind in the nation, and has been in operation since 1987! WUE is not a short term exchange—it is meant to be used for a full degree.
How can I apply for reduced tuition through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)?
If you are a resident of one of WICHE’s 15 member states or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, you are eligible for consideration for reduced tuition rate offered at more than 150 participating WUE institutions. To be considered for the WUE rate (150% of resident tuition), apply directly to the WUE institution(s) of your choice.
Read the institution’s WUE profile for WUE eligibility requirements and if you still have questions, contact the institution’s WUE administrator as indicated in the profile (see link to profiles at the end of this section). Although some institutions automatically consider applicants from a WICHE state for the WUE rate, many of them require that you request the special WUE rate at the time of application for admission, or that you apply for the WUE rate through their scholarship or financial aid office.
Please note that WICHE does not set qualification criteria for WUE applicants, nor do we process applications or participate in the student selection process. Equally important, the WUE reduced tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Most institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so apply early!